Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is Your Dog Safe From BSL?

I was a little surprised by my last post of famous American Pit Bull Terriers. I guess I didn't realize how many people on here have a problem with the breed. Did you know that even when fighting was more prevalent than today, the dogs were bred to be dog aggressive and NOT human aggressive? That any sign of human aggression in a dog was so frowned upon that the dog was banned from the fighting pit, not was that dog allowed to breed; human aggressive pit dogs were put down. These dogs were family pets with jobs and missions behind them. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours kind of feel. Human aggression comes from poor breeding and socialization, not the breed.


Banning American Pit Bull Terriers and other bully breed dogs may not affect you, but what happens when all those dogs become extinct? The fighting ring will come after YOUR dogs. What will you do then? ... Will you fight the Breed Specific Legislations like current bully breed owners are? Probably. I'm sure you'll want to keep your lab or retriever in your home just like I'll fight to keep my APBTs.

One last tidbit.. Statistically, APBT's are the least likely dog breed to attack a human... How about that? Did you know that most of the dog attacks that you hear aren't even "pit bull" attacks? The media catches whim of a dog attack and throws "pit bull" out there. They never retract their statements.

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