Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dog Fighting

Dog Fighting is a large part of the American pit bull's history and ancestry. If you are interested in caring for an APBT or if you currently care for one, it may be best to fully understand the history behind the great breed.

Knowing the breed's history and background can help you fully understand your dog and why he does the things he does.

Look at the Australian Shepherd. Sometimes they're found nipping the feet of small children and running around them as to herd them. Why? Because it's what their ancestors did... Well, not children but sheep and other wildlife.

I'm one of the biggest American pit bull advocates. I would not by any means condone the acts of dog fighting traditional or not. I do not condone breeding for game. I do not condone the mistreatment of dogs. And, I do not condone egos in combination with dogs.

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