Sunday, September 9, 2007

Training Your Dog

Reinforcement Training is the best way to teach your dog. It's the quickest and most effective. Using Punishment as a Training Method is NOT the best way to teach your dog. Especially when considering the pit bulls are stubborn and hard-headed dogs. You NEVER want to use punishment as a training method for you pit bull. I would NEVER recommend it to any breed of dog, in any case. Punishment has a sever downfall of aggression...

When Training a Dog consider your dog. Never train when you're upset or stressed, as these emotions will be emitted upon the dog.

My 14 week old pit bull has been responding with great efficiency to positive reinforcement training. I have chosen to use the clicker with her, as an unconditioned reiforcer, and her learning of the basic commands of sit, down, sit/stay, down stay, and look, has heightened. She is becoming more and more efficient with the cues and her behaviors daily. I strongly recommend using positive reinforcement training in conjunction with clicker training, which ARE closely related.

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