Saturday, June 14, 2008

Entertaining your dog with a kong toy

Kong toys and similar style dog toys are a wonderful toy that will keep your dog entertained. By stuffing a Kong with peanut butter, cheese whiz, or a meat spray, you can keep your dog busy and out of your hair.

I've found that when MIA is getting on my nerves by just acting out from pure boredom, I can stuff a kong toy and she'll be find for hours, even after she's completely cleaned the toy.

You can purchase Kong toys in various sizes; if you dog is a heavy chewer, I'd recommend the black extreme Kongs versus the red classic Kongs. Otherwise, you can also check out the Buddy Toys (I believe that's what they're called); they have a few similar products that you can stuff, but they are generally purple, as seen in the video.

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