Thursday, March 31, 2011

Donate to Bully Rescues

Any rescue organization is going to be short on funds, supplies, volunteers, and foster families, which means that there are things that you can do.

  • Make a financial donation. Any dollar helps out. Just because you may not be able to donate hundreds of dollars, that doesn't mean that hte organization won't accept your $10 bill.
  • Sponser a dog. There are many animal shelters who have sponser programs that you can sign up for an help with the medical care and general needs of a special needs dog or an older dog.
  • Donate supplies. Most shleters are more than willing to accept dog houses, crates, leashes, collars, dog food, treats, toys, plastic pools, towels, grooming supplies, bleach, and more.
  • Foster a dog. Many animal agencies are desperate for foster families, which may be long-term or short-term, depending on the case.
  • Assist with home checks. Every dog rescue can use a set of eyuues and hands to help with potential adopters.
  • Help with transportation. If you have a van that you can help transport dogs to and from the shelter, adoption fairs, or even to pick up animals from the city pound.
  • Assist with training. We all know how bad of a reputation bully breed dogs have, so if you have the experience, I'm sure any pit bull rescue would love to have someone to help train basic obedience to the dogs for adoption.
And, if you live in a town where bully breed dogs are legislated against, you may want to write a letter to your local government to help change the policy and spread awareness about these dogs.

If you don't have the time, money, and energy, to adopt another bully into your family, there's no reason why you can't help out a dog rescue organization.

If you don't have the time to volunteer, or the supplies and time to foster, you can still donate money and supplies. If you can donate anything, the more bullies that the organization can save, and it only takes a little bit of your help.

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