Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Adopt a Pit Bull

If you're thinking about bringing a Pit Bull into your home, you want to make sure that you think everything through. Bully breed dogs are not for everyone, but they are worth saving. If you have done your research, you'll want to consider checking out local shelters for any APBT's or mixes that may be available for adoption. Check kill shelters and no-kill shelters. Also, make sure to see if you can find any Pit Bull rescues you're willing to drive to.

If you don't have a current dog, you'll want to make sure that your have a few things prepared before starting to find a dog.
  • Make sure you have a fence or an outdoor kennel to place the dog when you are not home.
  • Dog proof your home by removing all breakables, cleaning chemicals, and other things that you don't want a dog to get into away from the ground or a dog's level.
  • Go ahead and get the dog bed, dog crate, a few toys, chew items, dog bowls, etc.
You'll want to make sure that you have everything prepared in case you find that special dog to bring home.

It's also a good idea to make sure to have a vet so that you know who will care for your dog with he is ill.

If you already have a dog at home, you want to make sure that you know how to properly introduce the dogs. Even if your dog is good with other dogs, you'll want to make sure that he is properly introduced to the new dog. Bad introductions can cause heightened friction.

If you do already have a dog, make sure that you visit the shelters and call around to find dog-friendly dogs. You'll want to make sure that it is ok for you to bring your dog with you when you visit the shelter. You want to make sure that everything goes smoothly, as if there is any raised hackles or teeth shown, it may not be the best idea for you to bring home that particular dog.

If you have young children, or other pets, do not rush the situation. Not everyone is ready to bring home a pit bull or another bully breed dog with what may already be going on in their life. If you do not have any experience with these dog breeds, you'll want to make sure that you are well knowledged in the average temperament and training of these dogs. They can be quite dominant if not trained and socialized properly. These dogs are prone to being stubborn, as well, which can cause a training concern if you're not ready or don't have the patience.

Think about all aspects of bringing home a dog.

These dogs need saving and rescuing, but if you're not capable of providing a safe home for you and the dog, you may want to wait.

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