Saturday, January 12, 2008

Potty Training Update

So M.I.A. ia now 7 months old. She has her moments, I'll say that for sure. We started crate training her, but because she seemed to like the crate and have absolutely no idea what was going on, the crate training solution never really kicked into her mind. Then, we started tying her up, basically with the same sentiment of crate training but tie her leash to something stationary while she was still attached versus put her in the crate. This was the key... To start...

Once M.I.A. started to realized that if she went outside, and didn't potty, she had to stay leashed, she started pottying more outside. This was great. We were able to give her shorter times on the leash, when she wouldn't go. And things were really working...

Then, she had a step back... Deciding that my parents bedroom was a much nicer place to use the bathroom versus having to go outside. I assume she felt that this would solve the problem of being tied up. Who knows?

Now, all doors must be shut, and we know that as soon as she takes off down the hallway she has to go. We've been doing this for about 2 months, give or take. But, she still has her moments. She'll go days without pottying in the house, and then...

She'll start at the door and move her way to the living room, peeing as she walks. It's happened twice now, I believe. It's just not a pretty site or thing to clean up.

I just with that this poor pup was little enough to litter box train.. Yes, it's rather silly and amusing, but you can really Litter Box Train a dog..

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