Saturday, January 19, 2008

The American Bully

There is some controversy as to whether or not the American Bully is a breed on its own or is it just a selectively breed APBT.

I have my personal opinions, but for the most part one can look at it deferently.

You can really look at it a few different ways.
1. It is a selectively breed APBT using the Gotti and Razor's Edge Bloodlines.
2. It is a purbred dog.
3. It is a mixbreed.

I have thought that the American Bully is nothing more than an APBT, but with further research into the situation, I have found it to be a mix-breed dog, similar to that of the labradoodle or goldendoodle. As poodle hybrids are not registerable by any reputable breeder, they are not considered purbred dogs. They do not have a set standard. The American Bully, is similar. It is the mix between an American Pit Bull Terrier and an American Staffordshire Terrier. Although, you can get this mix registered with the ABKC (American Bully Kennel Club), it is not registerable with any other kennel club.

Because the "breed" is not registerable with the UKC or the ADBA, it is not considered a breed with a set standard. Although, the ABKC does have its own standard for the "breed," which is as follows:

General Impression
  • Give the impression of strength for its size.
  • Medium size dog with a muscular body.
  • Agile and graceful in movement and keenly alert to his surroundings.
  • Stocky, not long-legged or racy in outline.

  • Medium length
  • Broad skull with pronounced cheek muscles and high set ears

    Ears: Natural or Cropped
    Eyes: All colors except albinism; Shape would be round to oval; Set low down in skull and far apart.
    Muzzle: Medium length; Rounded on upper side or slightly squared to fall away abruptly below eyes.
    Jaws: Well defined; Under jaw to be strong and have biting power.
    Lips: Close and even; Some looseness accepted, but not preferred.
    Teeth: Upper teeth to meet tightly outside lower teeth in front or scissor bite accepted.
    Nose: All colors acceptable.

  • Heavy
  • Slightly arched
  • Tapering from shoulders to back of skull
  • No looseness of skin.
  • Medium length.

  • Strong and muscular with blades wide and sloping.

  • Fairly short.
  • Slight sloping from withers to rump or straight accepted with gentle short slope at rump to base of tail.
  • Slightly higher rears accepted, but not encouraged.

  • Well-sprung ribs, deep in rear and all ribs close together.
  • Forelegs set wide apart to permit chest development.
  • Chest should be deep and broad.

  • Short in comparison to size
  • Low set
  • Tapering to a fine point
  • Not curled.
  • Not docked.

    Front legs: should be straight a slight turning outwards of the feet is accepted but not desired
  • Large or round bones; Pastern upright; No resemblance of bend in front.
    Hindquarters: Well-muscled; Let down at hocks, turning neither in nor out.
    Feet: Moderate size; Well-arched and compact.
    Gait: Should be springy with drive off the rear.

  • Short, Stiff to the touch, Glossy

  • All colors and patterns are expect the color merle.

  • Height and weight should be in proportion.
  • A height of about 18 to 21 inches at shoulders for the male and 17 to 20 inches for the female.
  • There is no particular weight for the breed.

    You can take this info as you will, and form you own opinions. I will stick by my opinion in that the American Bully by these standards set by the ABKC is a mix breed dog, as it is the breeding of an APBT and an AmStaff.

    Pictures of American Bullies, ranging from Bullies, Gotti APBT, Razor's Edge APBT, and AmStaffs:

    Zues- mandyp0221

    Spirit- yomamasnastepits

    Chamillionaire- BooBie Da Bully

    Mija- BooBie Da Bully

    Lil' Miss Porkchop- BooBie Da Bully

    Uzi Clip- BooBie Da Bully

    Deca- Sandi Marie

    Hummer- shellbell44

    Unknown said...

    Hi i am a very reputable breeder of the pitbull terrier and the american bully. ive been breeding them for over 9 yrs i want to correct you, i have UKC registered APBT's with Staffordshire terrier in them it shows it on the six generation pedigree i have on each of my dogs, the APBT and the staff are one in the same. one being bred for show. the other being bred for athletic ability. the american bully was made by selective breeding, thus creating its own breed. i have many triple registered dogs, they are registered with the ADBA,UKC,and ABKC. there are also a lot of american bully dogs that are registered with AKC, as stafforshire terriers, staffys and pittys are the same dog just selectivly bred for different traits, it has been arrgued for years if they are different or the same. they are the same and so is the american bully. they are all just bred selectivly to bring out different traits and to create there own breed. do a little research u will see.

    goReptiles said...

    The reason that the pedigree has both the APBT and AmStaff is because when the AmStaff breed was labeled by the AKC, PitBulls were able to be dual registered. This is why you can sometimes find dogs dual registered. With the progression of the two breeds, they have evolved into two separate breeds.

    Thanks for your comment, but you aren't 100% right.

    Anonymous said...

    it was a wonderful chance to visit this kind of site and I am happy to know. thank you so much for giving us a chance to have this opportunity.. gv american bully
