Monday, September 5, 2011

American Dog Breeder Association

The American Dog Breeder Association is one of few registries that register the American Pit Bull Terrier. The ADBA does not condone dog fighting or any illegal activity, but they will never deny the history of the breed. Starting in England and Ireland, this breed has had numerous names and looks. The Staffordshire Terrier, Yankee Terrier, and now known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, this dog breed has stood by and done nothing more than please man. 

The American Pit Bull Terrier has had hundreds of years of selective breeding to make it the dog that it is today, and the American Dog Breeder Association wants to provide a registry that breeders, trainers, handlers, and owners can use to show their dogs.

The ADBA was founded in 1909 as a multiple breed registry, but the residing president at the time, Guy McCord, was an avid fancier and breeder of the APBT. McCord was also a close friend to John P. Colby, who prompted the registration office for the Colby dogs, which is still a long-lived bloodline for the Pit Bull. 

Although the registry started as a multiple breed registry, they began to mainly focus on Pit Bulls. 

American Dog Breeder Association official website

Today, the ADBA provides many resources for breeders, trainers, and fanciers to collect information on safe dog handling, introduction, socialization, and training. The organization offers the American Pit Bull Gazette that is packed with information from other breeders, trainers, rescuers, and handlers.

When you think you know everything about your favorite breed, you will still continue to learn with the ADBA.

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